Results for “seated box jump”
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In Coaching, HD Videos, Powerlifting
September 25, 2012
For improving jumping, explosiveness and overall athleticism, Westside Barbell’s Shane Sweatt likes training from the seated or kneeling positions.
During this CrossFit Powerlifting seminar at Integrated Fitness, a CrossFit box that does sport-specific training just outside Pittsburgh, Sweatt begins with seated box jumps. To properly execute the movement, the feet come up and are driven into the ground, the chest stays up, and the arms come back and… Continue Reading
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Cam Birtwell is a strength and conditioning coach at the Canadian Sports Centre Pacific, as well as the owner of CrossFit Zone in Victoria, B.C.
At CrossFit East Sacramento for a training session with the Rowing Canada team, Birtwell talks about movements he uses to push his athletes to the top of the podium. Some of the exercises include seated box jumps, barbell jump squats, overhead squats, shoulder-elevated hip thrusts and ball slams… Continue Reading