Results for “eleanor brown”

Your search returned 4 articles.

Born to Be Mild

By Eleanor Brown

In Rest Day/Theory

June 06, 2014

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Eleanor Brown examines the role of introverts in world full of selfies and overwhelming stimulation.

A group of friends and I were meeting for lunch at a local restaurant. Near our table, two televisions were tuned to a sports channel, the volume low.

We were the only customers, and we weren’t there to watch television. I walked over and turned them off.

“Televisions in restaurants are so annoying,” I explained when… Continue Reading

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In Affiliation, Rest Day/Theory

January 21, 2014

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After home and work, there are “third places.” Eleanor Brown examines why we lost them and how CrossFit affiliates are bringing them back.

Melissa Chernaik spent 17 years working as a political consultant in Portland, Ore. She was driven and focused on her career, and her work was a large part of her identity.

“A big chunk of my friends were all in that same field,” she says. When she met new people, there would always be… Continue Reading

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Will vs. Web

By Eleanor Brown

In Rest Day/Theory

July 17, 2013

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Best-selling author Eleanor Brown asks if the Internet is killing our ability to concentrate and analyze.

Something strange is happening to my brain: it can’t keep still.

And not in a good way. My mind is restless, hungry, desperate for a constant flood of input. At traffic lights, I reach for my phone to check Twitter. I click a hyperlink to an article that sounds interesting and give up halfway through because… Continue Reading

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The Written Word

By Hilary Achauer

In Rest Day/Theory

June 11, 2013

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What does it take to write a book? Hilary Achauer talks to Samir Chopra and bestselling novelist Eleanor Brown about the joy—and pain—of writing.

When all she wants to do is stop, Eleanor Brown breaks her task into manageable parts.

“Small goals are important. You have to make it achievable,” Brown said.

Samir Chopra doesn’t enjoy the process, but knows he’d be even unhappier if he stopped.

“I wish I could stop, but if I stopped, I’d be… Continue Reading

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