Results for “ring”

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Burnt Offering

By Hilary Achauer

In Affiliation

December 07, 2016

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On the night of Sunday, Nov. 13, a fire broke out just a few blocks from CrossFit Westmount in a three-floor commercial structure that housed two restaurants and the 1,000-member Victoria Park Health Club (called Vic Park).

The four-alarm fire brought more than 100 firefighters to the scene in Westmount, a suburb of Montreal, Canada. Everyone was safely evacuated, but the businesses would be closed for months. According to the Montreal… Continue Reading

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In Kids, Reference

November 29, 2016

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A recent paper in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research found that increased bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) in childhood are positively associated with time spent doing high-impact physical activities (PA), even for those with a genetic risk of low bone mass in adulthood (1).

A concern over BMC and BMD generally arises in those over 60 years old, when low bone mass and osteoporosis can occur. However, the time of maximal bone mineral… Continue Reading

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Happy to be Last and Alive

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In Athletes, Medical/Injuries

November 26, 2016

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Thirty days after a stem-cell transplant, Timmon Lund joined CrossFit St. Paul.

“I wanted to get healthy again.”

Nine months earlier, at 33, Lund had been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The cancer limits the body’s ability to fight infection as it progresses. Chemotherapy and radiation are common treatments; stem-cell transplants are not.

CrossFit, he said, was a way to get back in shape.

But Lund only made it through the third week of… Continue Reading

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As Prescribed: Santa Cruz

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In CrossFit

November 21, 2016

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Welcome to weird.

That’s how Santa Cruz, California, is known.

For more than a decade, the sleepy Northern California beach town of 63,000 has used the same branding campaign to encompass its idiosyncrasies: “Keep Santa Cruz Weird.”

The city is a mere 30 miles south of Silicon Valley, home to the likes of Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Intel, Netflix and Tesla. But it couldn’t be more different.

As the San Jose Mercury-News once described, Santa Cruz’s branding “seems… Continue Reading

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In Competition

November 17, 2016

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If you determine the size of the field before programming the events, you might be putting the collars on before the plates.

“I’ve got 100 athletes, 10 solid judges, 5,000 square feet and nine hours to run as many events as I can.”

How many organizers have said something like that when planning a fitness competition?

I’d suggest what they’ve really got is a programming nightmare.

Local Limits

One of the best parts of the… Continue Reading

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In Medical/Injuries

November 14, 2016

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Why your doctor only wants to see you after something has gone wrong.

Dr. Stephen Schimpff calls it the paradox of American medicine.

“We have really well-trained, well-educated providers. We are the world’s envy for biomedical research. We’ve got excellent pharmaceutical (and) biotechnology companies and diagnostics (tools). But the paradox is on the other hand we have a terribly dysfunctional health-care delivery system,” said the retired CEO of… Continue Reading

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MeiLin McDonald: Never Give Up

By Jesse Kahle, Sevan Matossian and Tyson Oldroyd

In Athletes, Medical/Injuries

November 10, 2016

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MeiLin McDonald, 17, suffered a severe concussion during a basketball game as a child.

The injury caused her eyes to become permanently dilated and left her unable to focus. McDonald’s physician suggested surgery to explore the possibility of inner-ear damage. Unfortunately, complications during surgery made her symptoms much worse and left her unable to walk.

When she came to CrossFit Wilsonville, McDonald was in a wheelchair. The… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Lifeguard: Kristi Barnes

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In Medical/Injuries

November 06, 2016

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Doctors tell a Houston police sergeant her fitness allowed her to endure invasive surgery to remove a rare tumor that threatened to kill her.

Kristi Barnes typed the words into Google: “transsectional abdominal incision.”

It was about two weeks before her scheduled surgery to remove a tumor that had overtaken her right adrenal gland.

“They were like, ‘We’ll just cut you open and take it out,’” the 44-year-old recounted… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Lifeguard: Brandon Justice

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In Medical/Injuries

November 02, 2016

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As a teen, Brandon Justice was told a genetic disorder would end his life sometime in his 30s. Because of CrossFit, doctors tell him he can now expect a normal lifespan.

Eighteen-year-old Brandon Justice didn’t care about his health or his future.

He did what he saw the average high-school kid doing: He went to parties, ate fast food, didn’t exercise.

After all, doctors told him he would only live to be 34.

Why bother caring, he… Continue Reading

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In Rowing

October 26, 2016

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(Oct. 31, 2016—Corrects to identify Josh Crosby as co-founder of the 50-minute rowing program Indo-Row.)

Jonathan Burns remembers the soul-sucking pain of a 2-kilometer ergometer test. His best score in his rowing prime was 5:56—an all-out effort that left him in a physical shambles, he said.

“I would be lying there recovering for two days after a 2-kilometer test,” said the former college and national-team rower… Continue Reading

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In CrossFit

October 23, 2016

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Are you addicted to met-cons to the detriment of overall fitness?

Yes, we know you feel like you didn’t accomplish anything on deadlift day.

It’s very clear you’re unhappy that you are not out of breath and dripping with sweat.

We’re just going to lie here on the rubber with shaking legs while you head over to the corner to bang out 100 burpees for time.

We’ll even start the clock if you feel the need to hit a quick Fran.

But we’re… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Lifeguards: The Browns

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In Medical/Injuries

October 21, 2016

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Their goals were simple.

“Show up,” Marlo Brown wrote in silver-colored marker on the “goals” blackboard at Cloud 9 CrossFit in New Jersey.

Her husband, Phil: “Wear my shirt.”

When the couple first walked into the affiliate three years ago, Marlo weighed 430 lb. Phil weighed 502 lb. When Phil sat on one of the rowers, the machine bowed under his weight. Once they joined, Marlo was thinking she would try her damnedest to be there three… Continue Reading

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In CrossFit, Nutrition

October 14, 2016

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Spotted barbell biceps curls and white A-shirts, with just a hint of oil in place of sweat?

Men’s Journal might have rethought the opening image for “When to Fire Your Personal Trainer: 4 Red Flags.”

Nothing wrong with barbell curls, of course, but if you’re writing an article on identifying quality personal trainers, leading with an oiled-up bro-session curl shot does little to set the table and create an atmosphere of professionalism.

Then again, the image will indeed… Continue Reading

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Lose Your Crutches

By Mike Warkentin

In CrossFit, Medical/Injuries

October 10, 2016

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What’s holding you back, and why do you let it?

The legless man in the wheelchair made a very strong point without saying anything.

On the way to the gym for a workout, I was bemoaning my situation and wishing I didn’t have to do a 5-kilometer run. My inner monologue alternated between bitching about my tight left hip and outlining the reasons I prefer power to endurance.

You know the drill. I longed for… Continue Reading

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In Affiliation

October 07, 2016

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CrossFit coaches talk about building relationships that result in new clients.

Like all high-level CrossFit athletes, Jamie Hagiya has an impressive physique. The epitome of health and fitness, she’s the perfect poster girl to attract new clients to the gym, right?

Not so fast, said 31-year-old Hagiya, who finished 18th at the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games. The owner of Torrance CrossFit in California said she goes out of her way to avoid using… Continue Reading

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Five From the Archives

By Chris Sinagoga

In Classic

October 03, 2016

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Affiliate owner Chris Sinagoga talks about two articles and three videos that made him a better trainer.

When you first watched “The Shawshank Redemption,” the ending probably left you wondering how Andy Dufresne bested the warden and his crew.

Because you wanted to relive that excitement, and because Morgan Freeman’s voice brings serenity to life, you watched the movie several more times.

Then a… Continue Reading

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In Kids

September 27, 2016

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Peter Driscoll is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer and a physical-education teacher at Hartland Elementary School in Hartland, Vermont. He’s also the founder of HES CrossFit, which operates out of a transformed kindergarten classroom in the school. The affiliate is helping the school’s K-8 students gain strength and confidence through the integration of CrossFit into their daily lives.

Driscoll explains that when he brought research to principal Jeff Moreno “that… Continue Reading

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Busted 10s and Benjamins

By Brittney Saline

In Affiliation, Equipment

September 26, 2016

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Affiliate owners discuss budgeting for replacement gear and making the new equipment last.

A 45-lb. plate can be a great doorstop.

Of course, it’s a better fitness tool, but what else can you do with a broken bumper?

The business of fitness is tough work, and CrossFit athletes are tough on implements. As eager as affiliate owners are for their clients’ PRs, progress inevitably comes with broken weights, snapped skipping ropes and busted rowers.

… Continue Reading

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In Affiliation

September 24, 2016

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It takes more than just a Level 1 Certificate to run a successful CrossFit affiliate. In this series, learn about the various ways affiliate owners and trainers evolve and plan as they work to lead the fitness industry.

In Part 14, the conversation continues as CrossFit Inc.’s Tyson Oldroyd talks about balance and dedication with Pat Burke of MBS CrossFit, CrossFit Verve founders Matt and Cherie Chan, Nicole Christensen of CrossFit Roots, and David… Continue Reading

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Lift to Live Well

By Sharon Mallia

In Special Populations

September 23, 2016

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Physiotherapist Sharon Mallia reports on the success of CrossFit-based training with 20 seniors aged 75-91.

CrossFit is becoming increasingly popular in older populations, but so far no academic studies have delved into the topic of CrossFit and older adults. I am a physiotherapist by profession and was introduced to the world of CrossFit about three years ago. Since then, I have been incorporating some aspects of CrossFit in my work at a… Continue Reading

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