Results for “paleo”

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

November 02, 2012

Video Article

Chef Nick Massie shows you how to braise meat osso buco style. The Italian specialty involves veal shanks braised with vegetables, white wine and broth. In Italian, “osso buco” means “bone with a hole.”

Massie begins by pouring olive oil in a pot and adding four salted veal shanks.

“You want to get these as seared as possible on all sides,” says Massie, who runs

After the meat is… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

October 19, 2012

Video Article

Chef Nick Massie shows you how to whip up Alaskan king crab, lobster tail, scallops, shrimp and cod for a seafood bouillabaisse.

“It’s a French seafood stew with tomato broth,” he explains. “This is the kind of food that I get excited about.”

Also among the ingredients: white wine, clam juice, diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, chicken broth, celery, leeks, garlic and roasted garlic oil. Massie creates the broth in… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

October 03, 2012

Video Article

In Italian, “cacciatore” means “hunter.” In cooking, “alla cacciatora” refers to a meal prepared hunter-style with tomatoes, onions, herbs, often bell pepper and sometimes wine.

“Whenever you see the rubber gloves come out and a pot that big on the stove, you know something great’s about to happen,” chef Nick Massie says.

Massie starts by quartering two whole chickens. He throws in oregano, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, chili, white pepper, paprika… Continue Reading

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Box Tour: CrossFit King of Prussia

By Aimee and Jason Lyons

In Affiliation, CrossFit, HD Videos

September 30, 2012

Video Article

When Aimee and Jason Lyons started CrossFit King of Prussia in 2008, it was in a 400-square-foot space.

“Four mats wide by four mats deep,” Jason Lyons says. “Tiny little space. One day we were running Jackie with one rower and 18 people showed up for class. It was time to go shopping.”

From there, the couple moved its affiliate into a 1,500-square-foot facility.

“We were there about three months until we were getting… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

September 26, 2012

Video Article

Chef Nick Massie shows you a different take on the first meal of the day with a breakfast gallimaufry.

The ingredients: sweet potato, red onion, garlic, Poblano pepper, Serrano pepper, mushrooms, ground beef, eggs, spring mix, cherry tomatoes, lemon, salt, pepper and olive oil.

“What I encourage to do is kind of prep ahead for the week,” he says. “Have this stuff at your disposal, and then your… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

August 27, 2012

Video Article

Even if you’re busy, Chef Nick Massie shows you how quick and easy it is to cook up a batch of protein.

The ingredients: 3.5 lb. of chicken thighs, fresh garlic, tamari, sesame oil, honey, sesame seeds, fresh ginger and fresh cilantro. Together, they get tossed in a big bowl, where Massie mixes it all by hand. He lets the thighs sit for about 30 minutes, and then he sears them in a pan.

“The chicken thigh is a… Continue Reading

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In The CrossFit Life

August 23, 2012

PDF Article

For most people, CrossFit is more than trying to look good in a bathing suit. Doug Germano explains.

I was telling my girlfriend why I couldn’t spend too much time with a certain group of people because they were too superficial. She looked back at me with a befuddled look on her face and said, “But all you do is CrossFit! That’s superficial. You just do it to get big and… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

August 09, 2012

Video Article

Need a boost of whole-food protein on the go? Juli Bauer’s chicken basil meatloaf minis do the trick. They’re simple to prepare and transport.

“They’re easy to pack with you, easy on-the-go—just mini patties or you can put them into a loaf and make a meatloaf,” says Bauer of

The recipe calls for ground chicken, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, fresh chopped basil, two eggs and almond flour.

Once the… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

August 01, 2012

Video Article

Do sage bison burgers with balsamic bacon apple chutney sound fancy? Not to worry. Juli Bauer of shows you how simple it is.

“It’s a mouthful, but it’s gonna be delicious,” she says.

The ingredients include five to six strips of bacon, one apple, half of a red onion, 1 lb. of ground bison, fresh chopped sage, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar.

Bauer begins by cooking the bacon, removing… Continue Reading



CrossFit Radio Episode 229

By Justin Judkins

Audio Article

On Episode 229 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed cooking expert Michele Vieux and Albany CrossFit owner Jason Ackerman. This episode was webcast live at 6 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, June 20, 2012.

The WOW (Workout of the Week) is from CrossFit Lethbridge in Lethbridge, Alta.

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
15 thrusters (75/55 lb.)
15 dips
Rest 3 minutes, then AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
5 roll-outs (same bar as thrusters)
10… Continue Reading

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God of the Grill

By Nick Massie

In Nutrition

June 13, 2012

PDF Article

Nick Massie tells you how to prepare the perfect steak over an open flame.

It’s possible that nothing more closely ties us to our Paleolithic ancestors than cooking over an open flame.

Ever since tongues of fire licked the first piece of meat, we have craved to indulge again and again. Through the years, we have improved on the practices of our primal forefathers in many ways, but meat cooked over an open… Continue Reading

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In CrossFit, HD Videos

May 31, 2012

Video Article

As a competitive shooter, Cory Magers wanted to get faster. But at more than 400 lb., that was difficult.

At his U.S. Practical Shooting Association club, he happened to run into someone who could help.

“One of the people in the club—Dave Castro—started shooting with us, and I couldn’t believe how fast he was,” Magers says of the CrossFit Director of Training. Magers started at Oceanside CrossFit upon Castro’s recommendation.

… Continue Reading



In Affiliation, CrossFit, HD Videos

May 29, 2012

Video Article

One Thursday night, Penn State graduate student James Bondi was watching TNT basketball. Former NBA stars Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley were arguing over Insanity vs. CrossFit workouts.

“So they were just going back and forth about how one was better than the other,” Bondi recalls. “I guess Charles Barkley is the reason why I started, in a weird way.”

And so Bondi’s journey began at CrossFit Nittany in State College, Pa.

… Continue Reading

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Cooking Zuppa Toscana

By Michele Vieux

In HD Videos, Nutrition

May 25, 2012

Video Article

Clever chef Michele Vieux has figured out a way to nearly Paleo-ize The Olive Garden’s zuppa Toscana.

“We’re going to take out the potatoes. We’re going to use something else instead. But, otherwise, it’s just a bunch of vegetables,” she explains.

The CrossFit Invictus coach begins with bite-sized pieces of Italian chicken sausage in a pot with bacon grease. While it browns, she makes additional sausage with ground beef… Continue Reading



Killing the Fat Man: Episode 7

By Sevan Matossian

Video Article

It’s about to get real.

In episode 7 of Killing the Fat Man—called “it was a very sexy experience”—Gary Roberts divulges how his new body is affecting bedroom time with his wife.

“I will say as a fat dude trying to have sex is like a sumo wrestler trying to dance in a china shop,” he jokingly says. “It’s not very pretty and things are gettin’ broken.”

He also talks about looking at himself naked.

Roberts is approaching two months at … Continue Reading

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The Beck Family

By Various

In Affiliation, CrossFit, Videos

May 06, 2012

Video Article

When the Beck family arrived at CrossFit Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina, they were an unhealthy bunch. Jeff Beck had gained weight from skipping workouts. His father, Rickey, had a series of injuries and brain surgery. And his mother, Pam, eventually had 30 inches of her intestine removed.

“They all joined at the same time,” says owner Karen Candia. “They got in here and they just went full force.”

Today, all three—as well as Jeff’s wife… Continue Reading

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Cooking Chocolate Haystacks

By Michele Vieux

In HD Videos, Nutrition

May 05, 2012

Video Article

No, it’s not Paleo. But it’s not completely awful for you either.

“Dessert’s dessert, right? It’s a treat,” says CrossFit Invictus coach and chef extraordinaire Michele Vieux. “We’re just making the dessert a little bit better option for you so if you do want to cheat, you don’t have to feel as bad about it.”

She begins by melting a bar of 85 percent dark chocolate in a makeshift double boiler. After the chocolate melts, Vieux adds two… Continue Reading



In CFJ and Monthly Collections

April 30, 2012

PDF Article

The individual PDF articles published in April 2012 are collected here in a single download.

The video and audio articles are not contained in the PDF.

The articles included here are:

Paleo Potluck - Burton
All About the ’Bell - Murphy
The Pink-Ball Game - Lewis
Fix the Feet - Takano
The Tribes in Texas - Warkentin
Politics and Pull-Ups - Achauer
Strength of Character - Bunch
Simply Silly Chicken Tacos -Brown/Dazet
Roasting Virtuosity - Burton
Classical CrossFit - Nelson
On the Bubble - Achauer
… Continue Reading



Killing the Fat Man: Episode 5

By Sevan Matossian

In CrossFit, HD Videos, The CrossFit Life

April 29, 2012

Video Article

Finally, we meet the wife.

In this episode of Killing the Fat Man—called “Not all of us are going to eat like we are cavemen”—we hear from Gary Roberts’ wife about what life has been like since her husband started his CrossFit transformation.

It’s the beginning of Week 5 and the Mrs. is noticing a trend.

“The only thing we talk about now is diet and CrossFit,” she says. “And so I think for me that’s the part… Continue Reading

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In The CrossFit Life

April 26, 2012

PDF Article

Angie Fontes’ husband discovered CrossFit and inspired their family of six to lose a combined total of more than 185 lb.

On Oct. 6, 2011, we began our second Paleo challenge. I was determined to win this time. I spoke to my husband, and he was on board to bring the kids in 100 percent as well. We would be preparing 100 percent Paleo food for six people and even constructing CrossFit Kids WODs at… Continue Reading



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