Results for “paleo”

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

May 29, 2016

Video Article

In this video, Nick Massie of takes a brief respite from wall-ball shots to share his recipe for Thai turkey meatballs.

These meatballs contain ginger, cilantro and coconut milk—traditional Thai ingredients—but Massie uses cauliflower as a substitute for rice, offering a healthier option for CrossFit athletes.

After combining the turkey, vegetables and spices, he shapes the meatballs and browns them in a skillet, turning them occasionally to get good… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

May 21, 2016

Video Article

Nick Massie of is back in the kitchen, this time to share the recipe for his Super Radical tri-tip with balsamic apple compote.

Massie begins by prepping two baking sheets for the yams and tri-tip.

“Any meal that starts with two foil-lined sheet pans is a winner in my book,” he says.

He then pats a liberal amount of Super Radical Rib Rub onto both sides of the tri-tip and tosses extra spices into the pan to mingle with… Continue Reading

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In Nutrition

April 22, 2016

PDF Article

In this video, Nick Massie of shares his recipe for Mexican Meatballs, a delicious blend of grass-fed ground beef, vegetables and spices.

Massie’s meatballs get their kick from chipotle powder, cinnamon, garlic and the Paleo Nick spice blend Super Radical Rib Rub.

Squash calabacitas rounds out the dish, providing the carbohydrate that balances the protein in the meatballs.

While the meatballs brown in one skillet, Massie sautés the vegetables in… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

March 29, 2016

Video Article

This time on The CrossFit Kitchen, Nick Massie of figures out the only way to make pizza better: using crispy bacon as the crust. This breakfast pizza takes bacon and eggs to a whole new level, and a side of broccoli brings balance to the dish.

Massie’s first step is to toss the veggies with a drizzle of olive oil and his own Veggie Victory spice blend. The broccoli florets then go on a… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

March 05, 2016

Video Article

This recipe from Nick Massie of combines wild shrimp, Italian sausage, zucchini and squash “noodles,” and a creamy Thai-inspired sauce to create a healthy path to the satisfaction of a pasta dish without loading up on carbs.

First, Massie crushes and minces the garlic cloves before toasting them in a heavy cast-iron pot prepped with olive oil. He then adds the sausage to the pot, and while he waits for it to brown… Continue Reading

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In Athletes, CrossFit, Medical/Injuries

February 20, 2016

PDF Article

Doctor explains how 48-year-old Pete Katz used diet and CrossFit to stop taking medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and anxiety.

Days before Pete Katz’s visits to his primary-care physician, he would go on a diet. It was his vain attempt to nudge his health markers in the right direction. But the short-lived change had little effect on an increasingly grim reality.

“Pete was in a common situation for many patients in that his weight… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

February 18, 2016

Video Article

Nick Massie of takes his inspiration for this dish from the molcajete, a stone mortar and pestle commonly used in Mexican cuisine. Massie uses halved acorn squashes for his “mortars,” piling them high with juicy carne asada, shrimp and tomatillo salsa and baking them until they caramelize and bubble.

First he toasts the garlic in olive oil, and then he adds the tomatillos, browning them to get some color for the… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

February 05, 2016

Video Article

Just in time for Super Bowl Sunday! In this video, Nick Massie of shares his recipe for kickin’ like Van Damme chicken, a dish he calls “the bigger brother” to his bacon-wrapped jalapeño poppers.

Massie’s kickin’ chicken features a careful arrangement of chicken fingers on a bell-pepper base. That combo is topped with jalapeño slices and wrapped in thin-sliced bacon, and it’s served layered over a creamy puree of parsnips.

In preparation… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

January 28, 2016

Video Article

In this video, Nick Massie of shares his recipe for chipotle chicken frittata, a delicious dish that combines eggs, ground chicken, bacon and veggies for a savory breakfast-inspired meal you can enjoy anytime.

First Massie tosses the chopped bacon into a preheated cast-iron skillet, rendering the fat to “provide the cooking agent for our chicken, our veggies.”

Once the bacon, chicken and veggies are browned and seasoned, he slices… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

January 21, 2016

Video Article

This time on The CrossFit Kitchen, Nick Massie of creates finger-lickin’-good lemon-pepper chicken.

Start by roasting the squash and chicken. In the meantime, heat a little olive oil in a cast-iron skillet and toast the garlic. Next, add the onions, mushrooms and stock to start a savory topping for your chicken. Three minutes later, toss in the roasted bell peppers and add a little romance with Massie’s own Lemon Pepper… Continue Reading

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Nick’s Zone: Fajita Pie

By Nick Massie

In HD Videos, Nutrition

December 27, 2015

Video Article

In this video, Nick Massie of takes a brief break from rowing to share his recipe for fajita pie. Unfamiliar with fajita pie? Just think shepherd’s pie with a twist.

Massie’s fajita pie—made up of a special blend of meat and spices and a layer of caramelized sweet-potato mash—brings together the simplicity of Midwestern comfort food and the vibrant flavors of the Southwest. Seasonings, three different types of… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

December 19, 2015

Video Article

Nick Massie of brings us a traditional holiday classic with a twist. Turducken is delicious and a great centerpiece for your holiday table, and if you add bacon and butternut squash—well, jackpot.

Step 1: Prepare the “stuffing.” Massie’s stuffing is mostly bacon and butternut squash, but he notes you can use your favorite stuffing recipe instead. When it’s time to prepare the meat, Massie shares an easy way to… Continue Reading

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Nick’s Zone: Chorizo Plantain Breakfast Pie

By Nick Massie and Jesse Kahle

In HD Videos

August 26, 2015

Video Article

Nick Massie of brings us a spicy breakfast pie with chorizo and plantains.

In a preheated cast-iron skillet, Massie starts cooking the chorizo before quartering the blackest plantains he can find and adding them to the pan.

“The thing I like about this dish is that maybe it’ll expose you to two ingredients that you haven’t used before,” he says of chorizo and plantains. “I recommend incorporating both of them into your diet.”

… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

August 17, 2015

Video Article

A lover of Indian food, Nick Massie of brings us chicken tikka masala served with spaghetti squash.

“’Tikka’ means ‘chunk,’ and ‘masala’ is really just any spice mix,” Massie says.

This flavorful recipe includes ginger, garlic, onion, cilantro and a homemade masala. To spice it up, Massie adds cayenne and chili pepper, but that’s optional depending on your yearning for burning.

To put the meal in the Zone, Massie recommends weighing the chicken… Continue Reading

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Nick’s Zone: Ribs and Sweets With Paleo Q Sauce

By Nick Massie and Jesse Kahle

In HD Videos, Nutrition

August 07, 2015

Video Article

Nick Massie of brings us slow-cooked ribs and sweet potatoes. Watch as he takes a meat-and-potatoes combo and makes it Zone-worthy.

“Three-block portions that are tough to beat,” Massie says. “It’s the meal that I call ‘ribs and sweets.’”

Start by preparing the ribs because they’ll take the longest to cook. Massie bottles his own rub—Paleo Nick’s Super Radical Rib Rub—but he’s got a spice recipe for dressing… Continue Reading

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Nick’s Zone: Butternut Squash Lasagna

By Nick Massie and Jesse Kahle

In HD Videos, Nutrition

March 08, 2015

Video Article

Nick Massie of brings us a decadent spin on traditional lasagna for a real Italian treat.

First step: meat sauce.

“One of the things we have to think about is that (the butternut squash) isn’t really seasoned,” Massie says, “so I’m gonna make (the sauce) a little bit stronger flavored.”

Onions, garlic and basil are essential to developing a flavorful sauce. Some ground red chili is also recommended if you like a bit of spice.

To make the squash… Continue Reading

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Nick’s Zone: Sesame Chicken With Broccoli

By Nick Massie and Jesse Kahle

In HD Videos, Nutrition

February 19, 2015

Video Article

Add some Asian flare to your meal plan with sesame chicken and broccoli, dubbed “world’s greatest five-block meal” by Nick Massie of

Tamari, ginger, sesame oil and apple-cider vinegar are a few of the key ingredients that develop the flavor in this dish.

To get started, Massie uses a simple method to steam his broccoli.

“We’re going to start off by adding some water to these two containers,” Massie says as he pours… Continue Reading

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Nick’s Zone: Greek Freak Salad With Halibut

By Nick Massie and Jesse Kahle

In HD Videos, Nutrition

February 08, 2015

Video Article

For a Zone-friendly way to “fuel your fitness in fine fashion,” try Nick Massie’s latest: Greek freak salad with halibut.

To get started, gather these fresh ingredients: onions, green peppers, cucumbers, roma tomatoes, carrots, halibut, olives, capers, spring mix, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Start by searing the halibut. While it sears, mix your salad—and don’t forget one special ingredient: “It’s always good to salt… Continue Reading

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Eschewing the Fat

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In Coaching, Nutrition

February 03, 2015

PDF Article

Many trainers avoid addressing the topic of nutrition with clients. Top CrossFit coaches think that’s a mistake and explain how and why they broach the subject with athletes.

Alyssa Guenther thought her coach was crazy. A vegetarian of four years at the time, Guenther often felt sick—upset stomach, headaches, general lethargy. Still, when CrossFit Roots owner Nicole Christensen asked Guenther about her diet and suggested she consider adding meat—specifically via… Continue Reading

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In HD Videos, Nutrition

January 30, 2015

Video Article

In these chilly winter months, nothing hits the spot like a bowl of hearty chili. Nick Massie of brings us this simple recipe to warm your soul—and your belly.

“Nothing says ‘warm me up’ like a bowl of my chipotle chili with butternut squash and bison,” Massie says.

You’ll only need one pot and these fresh ingredients: butternut squash, onions, bell peppers, tomato puree, diced tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, bison, chili… Continue Reading

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