March 14, 2010
Former NFL player Michael Houghton found CrossFit and then went back to strength training. Now he’s come full circle and believes CrossFit is the best program for him.
Over the past year. I have been experimenting with all sorts of programming besides CrossFit.
I started off going to the CrossFit Football Certification. At the cert, I got an itch to try some Olympic lifting. I got some shoes… Continue Reading
In Powerlifting, Videos
September 18, 2009
Curmudgeonly barbell expert Mark Rippetoe is not given to subtlety—which is a very good thing when you’re learning how to squat.
Coach Rip defines good form in the squat as follows: the ability to keep a barbell exactly over the middle of the foot throughout the entire range of motion. Doing so eliminates the “lever arm”—or “moment arm”—between the bar and the middle of your foot. If the bar… Continue Reading
In Powerlifting, Videos
August 20, 2009
Assisted by a mini-skeleton he calls Mr. Thrifty who “has seen better days” Mark Rippetoe discusses the importance of the squat and the hamstring. This footage is taken from a Basic Barbell Certification Seminar held on February 14, 2009 at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA.
Proper squats accomplish the exercise objective of moving more muscle over a greater range of motion, allowing athletes to lift more weight and… Continue Reading
In Sports Applications, Videos
August 07, 2009
CrossFit Football pares down CrossFit and makes it sport-specific with short, heavier metcons and an added strength component, says the program’s founder, John Welbourn in this video by Again Faster.
An example would be a heavy Fran with weighted pull-ups and a 9-6-3 rep scheme. Another example would be a version of Cindy that consists of bench presses, heavy back squats and bent over rows in a 3-6-9 rep scheme… Continue Reading
In Powerlifting, Videos
July 13, 2009
Mark Rippetoe demonstrates how to teach the press progression with a woman who has never before done the lift. This footage is taken from a Basic Barbell Certification Seminar held on February 14, 2009 at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA.
Since there is no unweighted version of the press progression, coaches should have their trainees start with light weights. The thumbs should always be around the bar. A… Continue Reading
In Powerlifting, Videos
June 24, 2009
Coach Mark Rippetoe discusses the importance of the hips, knees, stance and muscle mass in the squat. The footage taken from his Basic Barbell Certification seminar at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA on February 14, 2009. Among other things, Coach Rippetoe elaborates on themes also discussed in his 2008 CrossFit Journal article “You Don’t Know Squat Without an Active Hip.”
Coach Rippetoe calls attention to the role of the adductors in the… Continue Reading
In Powerlifting, Videos
May 26, 2009
Coach Mark Rippetoe introduces the basic terminology, vocabulary, and muscular awareness necessary to understand human movement.
This footage is taken from his Basic Barbell Certification seminar at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA on February 14, 2009.
In this video, Rip explains the proper lumbar mechanics required for squatting effectively. Awareness of the pelvis and the musculature of the lower back is essential. A slight anterior… Continue Reading
In Audio, ExPhysiology, Videos
April 30, 2009
Coach Glassman presented CrossFit to the American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP). In preparation for that event, Lon Kilgore, PhD wrote:
On April 3rd, 2009 CrossFit will be introduced to the academic exercise physiology community at the American Society of Exercise Physiologists national conference to be held on the campus of Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas.
The intellectual foundations and practical applications of CrossFit will be… Continue Reading
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Part 1:
Part 2:
Robert Bernet applied for the Editor-in-Chief job at the CrossFit Journal. In trying to think of a way to make him stand out above the crowd he came up with the idea of doing a blog dedicated to getting Lauren Glassman’s attention. It is Robert talked about his ideas for the blog and how he keeps it creative and humorous. He explained how he got… Continue Reading
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In ExPhysiology, Nutrition, Radio
April 22, 2009
This is the 6th episode of the Weekend Edition of CrossFit Radio, which aired at 6pm PDT on Saturday, April 18th, 2009.
00:00 - 32:15 Weekend Edition Host Dave Young reveals the story behind the April 3rd CrossFit presentation to the annual conference of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists in Witchita Falls, TX by Greg Glassman, Brian Chontosh, and Mark Rippetoe, coordinated by Lon Kilgore. Kary Mullis presented on the nature of science… Continue Reading
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In Audio, ExPhysiology, Videos
April 04, 2009
Coach Mark Rippetoe introduces the basic terminology and vocabulary necessary to understand human movement.
This footage is taken from his Basic Barbell Certification seminar at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA on February 14, 2009.
In Part 1, Rip covers the essential anatomical and physiological structure of how movement happens around a joint. The relationship among muscle fascia, tendons, ligaments, and bones are addressed. 7min 26sec
In Audio, ExPhysiology, Videos
March 07, 2009
Coach Mark Rippetoe introduces the basics of muscle action.
Understanding how a muscle works is essential to understanding how to strengthen it. This footage is taken from his Basic Barbell Certification seminar at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA on February 14, 2009.
This video applies the basic concepts introduced in Part 1 to the actions in the back squat. The trunk muscles are in isometric contraction. The descent under load is… Continue Reading
In Audio, ExPhysiology, Videos
March 02, 2009
Coach Mark Rippetoe introduces the basics of muscle action.
Understanding how a muscle works is essential to understanding how to strengthen it. This footage is taken from his Basic Barbell Certification seminar at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA on February 14, 2009.
This video covers the most basic concepts, such as flexion and extension, concentric, eccentric and isometric.
As simple as the concepts may be, a lot of very intelligent people still squat… Continue Reading
In Powerlifting
February 15, 2009
Russell Berger writes about his experience at Coach Rippetoe’s Basic Barbell Cert at CrossFit Wichita Falls.
Nothing about this place was pretty, new, or comfortable. The interior was worn and garnished with photos of handlebar-mustached power-lifters, trophies, and odd objects that must have held some meaning to those who trained here. Well-used equipment was packed wall-to-wall, and long racks of aged barbells lined the room like spears. I felt… Continue Reading
In CrossFit, Powerlifting
February 07, 2009
How many times have we read on the comments about people who think they need to do a separate strength program to get better at CrossFit? While we agree that increased strength will likely make you a better CrossFitter, the idea that you need to do a separate strength program is dead wrong. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. Says it right there in “What is CrossFit”! Leaving CrossFit for the… Continue Reading
In ExPhysiology, Exercises, Powerlifting
November 26, 2008
Drawing on more than 30 years in the fitness industry, Mark Rippetoe writes that an “active hip” can help clean up problems associated with the squat. Dr. Stef Bradford and Dr. Lon Kilgore, Rippetoe’s long-time collaborators, also contributed to this article.
When we squat, the standard range of motion criterion for the exercise is “below parallel.” This is defined as the hip joint identified at… Continue Reading
In Affiliation, Athletes, CrossFit Games, Radio, Rest Day/Theory
November 24, 2008
This is the 10th episode of CrossFit Radio, which aired at 8am PST on November 23rd, 2008.
0:00 Show Intro, JJ's wrestlers, Neil's PRs
5:30 Tanya Wagner of CrossFit Apex
24:00 Freddy Camacho of CrossFit One World
49:30 Story from Trevor
52:00 Coach Mark Rippetoe of CrossFit Wichita Falls
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In Exercises, Level 1 Certificate CourseāSupporting Content, Olympic Lifts, Videos
November 13, 2008
At the CrossFit Level 1 seminars, three overhead movements are taught together: The press, the push press, and the push jerk. All three take a barbell (or other object) from the shoulders to locked out overhead. The difference is in the use of the hip.
In this Part 1 The Press, Adrian Bozman explains the basics of performing the press correctly, including the role of midline stability. In this video, the… Continue Reading
In Exercises, Olympic Lifts, Powerlifting
November 07, 2008
Coach Bill Starr is a legend in the strength and conditioning world. He was Mark Rippetoe's coach in the 70s, who has this to say about him.
Bill Starr is the author of the books The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football, Defying Gravity, and thousands of magazine articles. He was the editor of Bob Hoffman's Strength and Health, Joe Weider's Muscle Builder, and a nationally-ranked Olympic weightlifter… Continue Reading
In Coaching, CrossFit, LEO/Mil, Medical/Injuries, Radio
October 07, 2008
In this special episode of CrossFit Radio, Coach Glassman, Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore, Robb Wolf, and Andy Stumpf come to the table with facts and science to combat the attack waged against CrossFit, its participants and its co-creator Greg Glassman by the NSCA’s Mike Boyle and Gray Cook in their podcast.
Here are a few of the topics discussed:
- Why bother?
- Uncle Rhabdo and the so-called “cavalier attitude” of CrossFit toward injury
- The “cult-like” allegiance to Coach Glassman
- The accusation… Continue Reading
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