Results for “rippetoe”

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The Slow Lifts: Bench Press

By Mark Rippetoe

In Exercises

June 01, 2006

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The bench press is the best exercise for absolute strength in the upper body. So says Mark Rippetoe of The Wichita Falls Athletic Club/CrossFIt Wichita in part 4 of his series on the Slow Lifts.

The bench press allows the lifter to move heavier weights with the arms than any other exercise. It should be included in every barbell-training program. But it is not the only lift we… Continue Reading



The Press

By Mark Rippetoe

In Powerlifting

May 01, 2006

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The Press is the oldest barbell exercise in the gym but its value is underappreciated, Mark Rippetoe writes in part 3 of his series on the slow lifts.

If we use the term “press” specifically in reference to barbell exercise, we mean a standing overhead press with a bar in both hands. Anything that modifies this movement must be described with a qualifying term, such as a strict… Continue Reading

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The Slow Lifts 2: The Squat

By Mark Rippetoe

In Powerlifting

April 01, 2006

PDF Article

In Part 2 of his series on the slow lifts, Mark Rippetoe calls the squat the key to strength and conditioning because no other exercise changes so many things about the body in so short a time.

The squat is the way that tens of millions of years of evolution has adapted the bipedal human body to lower itself to the ground. When done weighted, it is the best exercise in existence for strength, power… Continue Reading



The Slow Lifts

By Mark Rippetoe

In Exercises

March 01, 2006

PDF Article

The slow lifts—the squat, the press, the deadlift and the bench press—form the basis of any effective program to improve strength, writes Mark Rippetoe, owner of The Wichita Falls Athletic Club and Crossfit Wichita Falls and co-author of Starting Strength.

Strength means way more than the ability to generate force against a resistance. It has always meant capability. It has always been the means by which people accomplished things.

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