Results for “box squats”

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In CrossFit Games, Videos

June 01, 2010

Video Article

The men’s competition at the Northeast Regional was held May 22-23 in Albany, N.Y. The field of athletes included 2009 Games competitors Rob Orlando, James Hobart and Dave Lipson, along with standouts Eric Magee, Austin Malleolo, Mike McKenna, Dennis Marshall and Steve Liberati.

The regional featured four events:

WOD 1—21, 15 and 9 reps of overhead squats (135 lb.) and chest to bar pull-ups.

WOD 2—3-rep max clean and jerk in 40 seconds.

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In Rowing, Videos

May 08, 2010

Video Article

Cam Birtwell is a strength and conditioning coach at the Canadian Sports Centre Pacific, as well as the owner of CrossFit Zone in Victoria, B.C.

At CrossFit East Sacramento for a training session with the Rowing Canada team, Birtwell talks about movements he uses to push his athletes to the top of the podium. Some of the exercises include seated box jumps, barbell jump squats, overhead squats, shoulder-elevated hip thrusts and ball slams… Continue Reading



Setting Up Box Squats

By Jesse Ward

In Powerlifting, Videos

May 02, 2010

Video Article

Jesse Ward of Lynnwood CrossFit is a former powerlifter who was at the first CrossFit cert at Westside Barbell. Ward has been playing with bands, squats and monolifts longer than many CrossFitters and offers up a few tips for anyone looking to try the techniques perfected by Louie Simmons.

With an athlete under the bar, Ward explains the finer points of bar placement, stance, depth, shin angles and the… Continue Reading



Motivating Tommy: The Ding SLC Series Part 5

By Tommy Hackenbruck, Miranda Oldroyd and Rory McKernan

In Competition, CrossFit Games, Videos

April 28, 2010

Video Article

When you’re the second-fittest man in the world, you have to find ways to stay hungry and motivated. It isn’t feasible to fly in Mikko Salo or Jason Khalipa every weekend to hit a few competitive WODs, so top Games athletes are always in need of strategies to drive them to their limits.

Visiting 2009 CrossFit Games runner-up Tommy Hackenbruck via the Southwest Airlines Ding program, Tony Budding looks to push the former… Continue Reading



In Athletes, Medical/Injuries, Videos

April 14, 2010

Video Article

Jon Bik lost a leg after a 40-foot fall off a power pole, but he’s still getting the benefits of CrossFit at CrossFit East Sacramento.

With Justin Riley coaching, Jon hits a WOD of three rounds of 10 squats and 10 toes-to-bars, with a slight modification to help him perform the squats.

After the WOD, Sevan Matossian asks Bik if there’s anything he won’t be able to do in the box, and Jon… Continue Reading



HQ Trainer Box-Squat Session

By Louie Simmons

In Powerlifting, Videos

April 13, 2010

Video Article

HQ trainers Adrian (Boz) Bozman and Jesse Ward were at the first CrossFit Powerlifting Cert at Westside Barbell late in 2009, while HQ trainer and 2008 CrossFit Games Champion Jason Khalipa was at the second. In this video shot at the recent Trainer Summit, the three reunite with legendary lifter and coach Louie Simmons for some explosive box squats.

Simmons explains that once you hit the box, you want to… Continue Reading



Box Squats Galore

By Dave Tate

In Powerlifting, Videos

July 18, 2009

Video Article

Dave Tate imparts a wealth of knowledge in the final four episodes of our series on the box squat. His coaching is as explicit as his language.

Dave Tate of EliteFTS came to CrossFit San Diego for a private seminar on January 24, 2009. Dave was a successful competitive powerlifter for over two decades. He trained with Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell Club. His best back squat was… Continue Reading



The 80-Year-Old Guinea Pig

By Roy M. Wallack

In Basics, Special Populations

January 11, 2009

PDF Article

“I wasn’t sleeping. I couldn’t get up out of my chair. I had trouble getting the door open and out of the car. I was starting to feel my age,” said Leola Schell.

She’s 80. As good an age as any to start CrossFit.

Enter Kent Stamey, the owner of CrossFit Hickory and a man who is CrossFit to the core. In fact, on his core—his stomach—is a 6-inch tall tattoo of CrossFit’s Pukie the Clown mascot. And… Continue Reading



A CrossFit Grandma

By Mary Conover

In Classic, Special Populations

October 01, 2004

PDF Article

About 3 1/2 years ago, at the age of 69, I was fretting because I couldn't pick up my 13-pound granddaughter. I figured that in order to get her into my lap, I would have to wait until she could climb there! My police officer son, who keeps fit, strong, and happy with CrossFit, urged me to contact Coach Greg Glassman because he wanted a life-altering best for his mom. That… Continue Reading

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Squat Clinic

By Greg Glassman

In Basics, Classic, Coaching, CrossFit, Exercises, Reference

December 01, 2002

PDF Article

The Squat Clinic, by Coach Greg Glassman, is a comprehensive guide to our most foundational movement. Photographs outline 23 points of performance for a sound squat, common faults and cues to correct them.

Why squat? The squat is a vital, natural, and functional component of your being. In the bottom position, the squat is nature’s intended sitting posture. Only in the industrialized world do we find the need for chairs, couches, benches, and stools. This… Continue Reading

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