Results for “box squats”

Your search returned 30 articles.

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In CrossFit

September 21, 2016

PDF Article

Nice deadlift. What’s your Helen time?

We’re well aware of your snatch PR.

We can indeed hear you grunting as you rep out.

We know you hold the top spot on the squat leaderboard.

And yes, we know all about your big bag of supplements, your special gear, your amp-up music and your pre-lift routine.

But a great many of us really don’t care about your strength numbers.

Here’s why: You’re in a CrossFit program.

This, of course, is not to… Continue Reading

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In Affiliation, HD Videos

December 10, 2015

Video Article

In this video shot at various Southern and Northern California affiliates in November, CrossFit Inc. Founder and CEO Greg Glassman talks about Big Soda and California Senate legislation that would require a health-warning label on sugary beverages. SB 203 was introduced in February but failed to make it out of committee, and Glassman is calling for a renewed push in the winter legislative session.

Glassman says sugar is a toxin and sugary beverages should include a warning label “very much like… Continue Reading

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By Jay Vera

Video Article

On May 4, 2013, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero faced off against boxing welterweight champion Floyd Mayweather. After 12 rounds, the decision was unanimous: Mayweather retained his title.

Guerrero began picking apart the defeat.

“There’s more stuff I could have done in the gym,” he says.

The 31-year-old had known Dave Castro, CrossFit Inc.’s Director of the CrossFit Games/Director of Training, since turning professional 13 years earlier, and Castro had… Continue Reading

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In CFJ and Monthly Collections

November 30, 2013

PDF Article

The individual PDF articles published in November 2013 are collected here in a single download.

The video and audio posts are not contained in the PDF.

The articles included here are:

Journey Behind Bars: Part 2 - Beers
CrossFit Kids: An Administrator’s View - Spurlock
CrossFit Curmudgeon Cares? - Sherwood
Fight Gone Right - Achauer
Wives of CrossFit SolaFide - Cecil
After Their Last Battle - Beers
Banishing the Boogeyman - Sherwood
Hope in a Box - Achauer
The Truth Behind Lulu’s Lemons?… Continue Reading

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Building Schools in Kenya

By Jason Khalipa

In CrossFit, HD Videos, Rest Day/Theory

February 11, 2013

Video Article

The competition was old school: no prizes. Just friends getting together for a great workout and some beer.

“And all the money that was raised, every single dime, went straight to Kenya,” says NorCal CrossFit owner Jason Khalipa.

It was all part of CrossFit’s Hope for Kenya project, focused on improving the conditions of those living in the 250-square-mile rural area surrounding Mombasa. The fundraiser workout—a 12-minute AMRAP of 50… Continue Reading

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In CrossFit, HD Videos

February 03, 2013

Video Article

Over the course of one month, Guerrilla Fitness raised $18,000 for CrossFit’s Hope for Kenya project, which is focused on improving the conditions of those living in a 250-square-mile rural area surrounding Mombasa, Kenya.

“Hope for Kenya is really fundamentally changing an entire area—being able to offer water, food for these people, but (also) education, and that being something that is really the difference of life and death for the Kenyans,” says… Continue Reading

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In Kids

October 12, 2012

PDF Article

For the first time, CrossFit Kids HQ provides guidance on a competition involving children. Dan Edelman tells the story.

Inside CrossFit Ridgecrest—which shares space with owner Janet Kowalchick’s place of business, Kowalchick Physical Therapy—kids of all ages cluster and flow like schools of fish, and adults bustle about.

Kowalchick’s intent is to deliver CrossFit Kids fun to children of every age to which our program caters… Continue Reading

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Powerlifting Good Mornings

By Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt

In Coaching, HD Videos, Powerlifting

October 07, 2012

Video Article

Good mornings can be done in an infinite number of ways and with several implements, says Shane Sweatt of Westside Barbell. During this CrossFit Powerlifting Trainer Course at Integrated Fitness, a CrossFit box that does sport-specific training just outside Pittsburgh, he begins by talking about good mornings with a safety-squat bar.

“We can do them seated, we can do them standing,” he says as his wife, elite powerlifter Laura… Continue Reading



A Field Trip to CrossFit Southie

By Amy Ferro and Mr. D

In Affiliation, Coaching, CrossFit, HD Videos

September 28, 2012

Video Article

At Boston’s Joseph J. Hurley K-8 School, students in Mr. D’s class might be subject to WOD-like penalties.

Forget something in your locker at the beginning of the year: two push-ups. Do it in January: four push-ups or 10 squats. Curse in class: 40 push-ups or 200 squats.

A member of CrossFit Southie, Mr. D brought the kids to the affiliate for an afternoon of working out, camaraderie and community.

“I think a lot of people… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Radio Episode 213

By Justin Judkins

In Affiliation, CrossFit Games, Nutrition, Radio

February 29, 2012

Audio Article

On Episode 213 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed CrossFit Craic owner John Mc Evoy, Reebok CrossFit Games Open Workout 12.1 co-winner Scott Panchik, and CrossFit Foxes owner Emma Teede. This episode was webcast live at 6 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012.

The WOW (Workout of the Week) is from Brent Behringer at CrossFit by Bodyfit in San Jacinto, Calif.

Three rounds for time of:
135-lb… Continue Reading

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Where Are Your Knees?

By Jeff Martin

In Kids

January 17, 2012

PDF Article

Jeff Martin explains how and when to cue kids who are squatting in your box.

“Knees out! Knees out!”

If the workout has squats in it and you are in a CrossFit box, you will hear this cue—or you should hear it—being yelled out throughout the WOD. When we teach the mechanics of the squat, we discuss that the knees must be in line with the feet. This is the most efficient and safest… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Radio Episode 198

By Justin Judkins

In Affiliation, Athletes, Coaching, CrossFit Games, Radio

November 16, 2011

Audio Article

On Episode 198 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games fifth-place finisher Julie Foucher and CrossFit 810 owner Joe DeGain. This episode was webcast live at 6 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011.

The WOW (Workout of the Week) is from Jet City CrossFit:

Complete 75 reps in as few sets as possible of:
100-lb. overhead squats
Rest as needed between sets

6:25 Julie Foucher placed fifth… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Radio Episode 197

By Justin Judkins

In Affiliation, Coaching, CrossFit, Radio

November 09, 2011

Audio Article

On Episode 197 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed Doug Chapman, who owns Hyperfit USA, and HQ Seminar Staff member Chuck Carswell. This episode was webcast live at 6 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011.

The WOW (Workout of the Week) is from Delta CrossFit in Brentwood, Calif.:

30 wall-balls
30 burpees
115-lb. power cleans, 30 reps
115-lb. back squats, 30 reps
115-lb. push presses, 30 reps
115-lb. sumo… Continue Reading

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CrossFit Radio, Episode 195

By Justin Judkins

In Athletes, CrossFit, Radio

October 26, 2011

Audio Article

On Episode 195 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed Shannon DeGraw and Seminar Staff member Spencer Nix. This episode was webcast live at 6 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011.

The Workout of the Week (WOW) is from the 2010 MidWestern Sectional.

For time:
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 push jerks
20 overhead squats
20 front squats

Men use 95 lb, and women use 65 lb. Each… Continue Reading

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In Competition, CrossFit, Videos

June 08, 2011

Video Article

South Tahoe CrossFit recently hosted the Fittest of the Sierras Challenge at its box in California. The second annual event has grown to include 120 competitors from the surrounding areas and its organizers hope it will become the premier CrossFit competition on the West Coast.

Because this year’s competition was held during the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games Open, the organizers incorporated workout 11.4 into their programming as the first WOD.

“What better… Continue Reading



In Coaching, Exercises, Videos

May 02, 2011

Video Article

Join CrossFit Kettlebell trainer Jeff Martone as he adds more kettlebell movements to the CrossFit toolbox. In Part 2 of this series, Martone introduces thruster progressions starting with the push press. He describes the dip, drive and press overhead using a kettlebell in one arm.

The next step is the clean using two kettlebells.

“Even though it’s twice the weight … it’s easier than doing one kettlebell clean,” Martone says.

The movement looks like a… Continue Reading



Dynamic-Effort Day at Westside Barbell Part 2

By Louie Simmons with Brandon Lilly

In Coaching, Powerlifting, Videos

February 13, 2011

Video Article

In Part 2 of the Dynamic-Effort series, Louie Simmons himself gets in on the action for speed squats at Westside Barbell.

With athletes including A.J. Roberts and Luke Edwards under the bar, Brandon Lilly explains exactly what the athletes are doing in this speed workout featuring box squats with bands attached to a safety squat bar.

Back to back, the athletes get under the bar, and you can hear a rhythm developing… Continue Reading



California Road Trip: Part 2

By Sevan Matossian

In Athletes, HD Videos

November 16, 2010

Video Article

Join an all-star cast on a classic CrossFit road trip as Dave Castro, Sevan Matossian and Rob Orlando embark on a tour of California. But this trip isn’t for traditional sightseeing. The sights along this journey are barbells and top competitors as the group moves north one workout at a time.

On Day 2 of their road trip, Castro, Matossian, Orlando and Dave Lipson make their way to L.A., and Lipson talks about his… Continue Reading

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Tough for Whom?

By Andréa Maria Cecil

In Sports Applications

June 10, 2010

PDF Article

CrossFit York competed in the first-ever Tough Mudder—and Andréa Maria Cecil reports team members found they were over-prepared for “the toughest one-day endurance race on the planet.”

“We don't need to do any special training for it. We could do it tomorrow.”

That’s what CrossFit York owner Rusty Mirasol repeated in the two months leading up to the Tough Mudder, billed as “the toughest one-day endurance race on the planet.” He got the… Continue Reading



In CrossFit Games, Videos

June 10, 2010

Video Article

The women’s competition at the Northeast Regional was held May 22-23 in Albany, N.Y. Included in the field of athletes were 2009 Games competitors Heather Keenan Bergeron, Stacy Kroon, Lauren Plumey and Kim Malz, in addition to hopefuls Jessica Pamanian, Jennifer Hunter, Sarah Scholl, Karianne Dickson, Alecia Gomez and others.

For Keenan Bergeron, it was a chance to get back to California and get rid of the nightmares she’s had… Continue Reading



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