In HD Videos, Sports Applications
December 08, 2016

Rusty Malinoski has been a professional wakeboarder for more than 12 years, and while many in the sport have retired by his age, Malinoski, 32, said his CrossFit training has put him at the top of his game.
Wakeboarders often blow out their knees or suffer other injuries because of the high-impact nature of the sport. The man nicknamed “The Bone Crusher” has broken the same arm eight times, and he works hard to strengthen… Continue Reading
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In Coaching, HD Videos, Medical/Injuries
November 22, 2016

Brian Riley was exposed to CrossFit while serving as a Marine, but an injury overseas forced him to relearn everything. Now he’s putting his experiences as an adaptive athlete to good use at CrossFit Del Mar in San Diego, California.
Riley was stationed in Afghanistan when he took a medium-machine-gun round to the lower left leg. The injury resulted in a below-the-knee amputation.
After returning home, he began attending CrossFit Del Mar’s… Continue Reading
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In HD Videos, Sports Applications
September 06, 2016

Jonny Walker has been riding motorcycles since he was 9 years old. Now the 25-year-old competes professionally in enduro, a motorcycle sport contested on mostly off-road courses filled with obstacles.
After Walker suffered a crash that resulted in a fractured fibula, CrossFit aided his recovery and helped him regain confidence in his body. His main goal is winning the SuperEnduro World Championships, and he’s been training at CrossFit Cumbria in order to achieve it.
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In Affiliation, HD Videos
September 02, 2016

It takes more than just a Level 1 Certificate to run a successful CrossFit affiliate. In this series, learn about the various ways affiliate owners and trainers evolve and plan as they work to lead the fitness industry.
In Part 12, the conversation continues as CrossFit Inc.’s Tyson Oldroyd discusses common programming pitfalls with Pat Burke of MBS CrossFit, CrossFit Verve founders Matt and Cherie Chan, Nicole Christensen of CrossFit Roots, and David Tittle of CrossFit Low… Continue Reading
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In HD Videos
August 26, 2016

CrossFit Founder and CEO Greg Glassman visits a Level 1 Certificate Course at CrossFit Silicon Valley to talk about how CrossFit is at the forefront of a revolutionary fight against the leading cause of death in the United States.
Chronic disease—including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer—accounts for 70 percent of the deaths in the United States every year, Glassman explains.
“Medicine has no answer,” he says. “You do.”
The answer is CrossFit, which… Continue Reading
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In Affiliation, HD Videos
August 23, 2016

It takes more than just a Level 1 Certificate to run a successful CrossFit affiliate. In this series, learn about the various ways affiliate owners and trainers evolve and plan as they work to lead the fitness industry.
In Part 11, the conversation continues as CrossFit Inc.’s Tyson Oldroyd talks about the importance of building a program around general physical preparedness (GPP) with Pat Burke of MBS CrossFit, CrossFit Verve founders Matt and… Continue Reading
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In HD Videos
August 22, 2016

Leanda Keahi-Bevans thought she was invincible until a traumatic experience left her battling PTSD and depression. She needed something to turn her life around and make her value herself again. That’s when she discovered the CrossFit community in Tucson, Arizona.
Keahi-Bevans says she had “zero self-confidence and valued really nothing” in the wake of kidnapping and sexual assault.
“It wasn’t just the mental part,” she explains. “My body… Continue Reading
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In Affiliation, HD Videos
August 18, 2016

Ertan Balaban opened CrossFit Balaban in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2013. One of the biggest cities in the world, Istanbul sits on two continents—Europe and Asia.
Balaban compares his city to New York or Tokyo, pointing out the large breadth of cultures in the area. But he is quick to note that the culture in his affiliate would be familiar to any CrossFitter in the world.
“Of course Turkish culture is different from the… Continue Reading
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